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Donor Walls: It's the Thought That Counts, or Is It?

The trend of erecting donor walls has grown over the years. People who donate their money to any cause expect to be recognized in some way and putting their names on a donor wall has become the go-to option. Organizations such as hospitals, religious institutions and research centers have donor walls built in the main lobby so that they are in plain view and easily accessible.

When it comes to putting the donors’ names on a wall, one might assume that is enough. Most donors contribute out of altruism, seeking nothing in return. You are appreciating their kindness by putting their name on the donor wall. So, you may feel that as long as the name is up there, nothing else matters. However, this is not the way to go.

It’s the thought that counts, but when it comes to donor recognition, you have to do it properly. The issue is that the donors have shown their generosity by contributing to your cause. It is only ethical that you reciprocate in the same way, by truly appreciating their contribution.

The worst thing you can do is select a shoddy donor wall design or have the wall built from low-quality materials. Doing so defeats the purpose of having a donor wall, i.e. to recognize the donors. Not that the donors are going to complain about the quality or appearance of the wall, but you should make sure they feel truly happy and honored when they see their name go up on the wall.

It is a tempting proposition to go for a low-cost option when choosing a donor wall. The competition between donor wall vendors has increased over the past few years, so you may be able to get one for a price that suits your budget. Yet, you should not skimp.

The thing you need to realize is that the donor wall isn’t just a means of recognition. You can use it to further your cause and attract more donors. When people see the donors’ names going up on the wall, they would be encouraged to contribute and get their names up there too. The donor wall, in this regard, becomes a marketing tool. But, it would only serve its purpose if it is well-designed and looks regal.

So, if you assume that it’s the thought that counts when it comes to donor recognition, think again. There is much to gain by getting a good quality donor wall for your organization.