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Donor Wall Installation Tips

Installing a donor wall may seem like a simple task. However, a lot of technicalities are involved in the endeavor. There are many things to consider when you are in the process of setting up a donor wall. The location, size and even the type of donor wall needs to be considered. Since the process can be quite tedious, you can use the following tips to ensure everything runs smoothly:


The first thing to do is to set a budget for the installation of a donor wall. The best way to do this is to gather a bunch of referrals for professional donor wall installers, get quotes and see samples of their work. Once you have surveyed a bunch of vendors, you can select the one that suits you best. Be sure not to go over the budget. Always consider haggling over the price. Even if you do not succeed in getting a discount, there is no harm in trying. But there is a good chance that the vendor may give you a discount to get your business.

Installation Time

Depending on the place where the wall is to be installed, you have to set a time for the installation phase. Certain areas can be worked in anytime. However, there are some areas that may not be accessible at certain times of the day. Therefore, keep this in mind when finalizing the time of the installation.

Foot Traffic during Installation

Donor recognition walls are normally placed in an area where everyone can see them. Since there is a lot of foot traffic in these areas, you have to consider closing off the location. You can also work during slow hours. But the vendor may not be available for installation at such hours. Be sure to discuss each and every possibility with the vendor prior to hiring them.

Professional or Self Installation

This is one of the most important questions for donor wall installation. There are certain types of donor walls that are quite easy to install. Individuals who are a little tech-savvy can easily get the job done. However, there are others that absolutely need a professional to install them. Be sure to give this ample consideration. Sometimes an installation may seem easy, but may be extremely complicated.

If you are in the process of, or planning to have a donor recognition wall installed, be sure to consider the abovementioned tips. If you follow these tips down to the last detail, the entire endeavor should go smoothly.