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Modernize Donor Recognition with a Digital Donor Wall

Donor walls are a great way of appreciating the donors who have contributed to your campaign. However, donor walls can be tough to maintain. Moreover, it is a challenge to add the names of any new donors to the existing wall. But you can make things easier for yourself by installing a digital donor wall. It is easy to maintain and you can easily add more names to the existing wall. In addition, the digital wall is more versatile than the regular donor wall. Let's look at how you can modernize donor recognition with a digital donor wall:

Pictures of Donors

One reason why digital donor walls are a big hit is because you can add pictures to it. Not only can you make the appearance of the digital wall look great, you can add donors' pictures. This will give a more customized look to it. Moreover, donors will appreciate the fact that you added their pictures. You should ask the donors whether or not they want their pictures added to the display. Make sure you honor their requests to remain anonymous. But for others it will be a great way to show your gratitude.

Ability to Add Donors' Names

On a regular donor wall it can be tricky at times to add more names. This is mainly because the space on a regular donor wall is limited. However, with a digital wall there is a lot more space available. You can even use a management interface for this purpose. This interface shuffles through the pictures one by one. This way all the donors will be highlighted.

Simple to Use

Digital donor walls are mainly controlled via a management interface. This interface is set up when the wall is set up. After the interface is up and running, you can easily make changes to it. You can change the ambient display, add names, etc. all within a matter of minutes. You won't have to go through an extensive process to acquire new name plates or materials.

Easy Maintenance

Maintaining a digital donor wall is extremely easy. All one needs to do is keep the equipment clean. Also, adding a fresh touch to the display is extremely easy. You will need to add some protection to secure the equipment from vandalism and theft. But that's about it.

If you want to add a unique touch to your donor wall, be sure to consider a digital one. It may cost more than a regular wall, but it will be worth it in the long run.