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Content Considerations for Your Donor Wall

Without a doubt, the content you put on your donor recognition walls is important. You have to make sure it is in line with your organization's vision and mission but at the same time honors those who have contributed towards the cause. This is why there are certain considerations you have to make when deciding on the content for your donor wall. Here are a few pointers to help you out:

  • First and foremost, you need to ask each and every donor who qualifies to have his/her name on the recognition wall whether he/she would like their names mentioned. In most cases, people like to donate anonymously. Their intention is purely altruistic and they seek to gain nothing from it. Therefore, you have to make sure that you have a list of only those names that have to be written on the donor walls.
  • Once you have a list of the names that are to go on the wall, you should verify their spellings. It is a good idea to ask the donors for this. Also ask them whether they want their full name or only their last name with the first and middle names as initials. This ensures the donors are recognized in the way they want to be recognized. It is better to assign someone this responsibility so there are no slipups.
  • Now that you are done with the names of donors, you have to decide whether you want additional content. It all comes down to the size of the donor walls. If the names of the donors cover the entire wall, it is best to not have any additional content. If, however, you have some space left after the names have gone up, you can have content created that suits the objective of having the donor wall. The best way to go about this is to thank the donors through a short message, define your organization's goals and objectives and mention a quote or two about giving generously. Make sure the content is suitable for the place the wall has been installed in and in keeping with the message of your organization.

These are some considerations you have to make when finalizing the content for your donor wall. At the end of the day, it is about recognizing the people who contribute to your cause. As long as their names are featured prominently on the donor wall, it is all good.